Original Wild Facts

Wild Fact #615 – Careful What You Say Around This Bird – Lyrebird

Photo by Attis (Wikimedia)

Welcome to a special week of Wild Facts!  Why is it special?  Well, I am in Vancouver all week so this means we get to have another exciting Themed Week of Wild Facts.  This week we look at the actors and actresses of the animal kingdom.  That’s right, even animals like to act and we will discover 5 animals that rely heavily on imitation to survive.  We are going to get the week started with an unique bird from Australia called the Lyrebird.   Do you remember that guy, “Jonsey” from the Police Academy movies?  You know the one that could make all kinds of cool sounds?  Well, the Lyrebird is the “Jonesy” of the animal world.

The Lyrebird is well known across Australia and perhaps this is a result of their uncanny mimicking ability. Before we get into that, let’s take a closer look at this bird.  Like many other birds, the Lyrebird feeds on insects, worms, spiders and will occasionally throw in the odd seed.  If you ever see one of these birds scratching their feet through the leaf litter than you know they are looking for a yummy treat.  Unlike most birds though, the Lyrebird is not a very impressive flier.  As a result, if threatened they will actually attempt to run away from their predator instead of taking to the air.  What’s the point of being a bird if you can’t really fly?

Photo by Melburnian (Wikimedia)

You can tell from the photos that the Lyrebird is a gorgeous bird with impressive tail feathers.  Obviously these tail feathers come into play when the male is trying to attract a pretty, little mate.  In fact, the male will throw an all out concert with dancing and singing just to get the attention of their potential mate.  This is where the imitation comes into play.  You see the Lyrebird is an incredible imitator and will mimic all of the sounds he hears around him to try and impress his lady friend.  Everything from other birds to chainsaws.  I honestly think they would give “Jonsey” a run for his money as the best imitator.

Lyrebird Fast Fact – Remember how I said these birds preferred not to fly? Oddly enough, firefighters that were seeking refuge in a mineshaft during a bushfire were actually joined by numerous Lyrebirds.  Again, why wouldn’t you just fly away?

Before you leave Wild Facts, you have to check out the video below.  I guarantee you will not be disappointed.  It is absolutely amazing the sounds this bird can create.  Check it out and enjoy the rest of your day.

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